Grants Resource Center Proposal Development Workshop

Who should attend:
- NEXUS NSHE faculty, postdocs, graduate students and grant coordinators
- Other NSHE members are welcome to register, but priority will be given to NEXUS participants
- Increase proposal success rates of NEXUS and NSHE faculty for project sustainability
Sponsored by:
- NSF EPSCoR Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus project
*This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIA-1301726.
For more information contact:
Marcie Jackson
NSF EPSCoR Project Administrator
- Proposal development best practices
- Funding resources/opportunities tailored to Solar Energy-Water-Environment NEXUS topics as well as Workforce Development, Education, and Diversity topics
- Funding timelines
- No charge
Workshop Facilitator:
Dr. Pollyanne Frantz, Executive Director, Grants Resource Center
- Expertise in helping faculty develop competitive proposals
- Ph.D in Higher Education and Masters in Library Science
- Pre-Award Research Administrator Certification
- Previously funded by NSF, Elsevier Foundation
Lori Brazfield
Director, System Sponsored Programs and EPSCoR