Strategic priority: Develop a comprehensive approach that leads to an increase in the number of underrepresented students graduating from STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) programs.
The Solar Nexus Project has an entire team dedicated to diversity. This is unique, as a diversity aspect is often added to such research projects as an afterthought. The Solar Nexus Project has received double the number of applications from minorities (as opposed to previous projects) thanks to its outreach efforts.
Through science, computer infrastructure, water and solar, the Solar Nexus Project aims to broaden participation in STEM research. The project’s diversity team is reaching out to all NSHE institutions, including its research institutions, state college and community colleges, to bridge the pipeline for candidates to enter two- or four-year graduate programs. The diversity team is also reaching out to Nevada high school students with the goal of engaging “first-generation students” – those who never previously thought a career in STEM disciplines was an option available to them.

Michele Casella
Education, Outreach & Diversity Administrator
Diversity Plan Lead
(702) 522-7076

Mayara Cueto-Diaz
NSF Program Coordinator
(702) 522-7083