2018 Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada Annual Meeting
April 5, 2018 Graduate Student Workshop
April 6, 2018 Annual Meeting
University of Nevada, Reno – 1664 N. Virginia Street
Joe Crowley Student Union – Milt Glick Ballroom
Shuttle Schedule
Thursday, April 5, 2018 – Graduate Student Workshop
7:15 am – Shuttle from Grand Sierra Resort to UNR
3:00 pm – Shuttle from UNR to Grand Sierra Resort
Friday, April 6, 2018 – Full Day Annual Meeting
8:15 am – Shuttle from Grand Sierra Resort to UNR
8:20 am – Shuttle from Reno Airport to UNR **Once passengers come down the escalator, straight ahead past the slot machines there is a large bronze Ski Statue. The chauffeur will be waiting at the Ski Statue with a NEXUS sign for passengers from Southwest flight 106 arriving at 8:20 am.**
4:30 pm – Shuttle from UNR to Reno Airport
The Annual Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada Annual Meeting will be held at the University of Nevada, Reno, April 5-6, 2018 in the Joe Crowley Student Union Building.
The Annual Meeting will include oral presentations featuring research results of Nevada’s National Science Foundation-funded Solar NEXUS project. Additionally, the meeting will host a graduate student Career Paths and Curriculum Vitae Preparation Workshop on Thursday, April 5th and a student poster session on Friday, April 6th. The objective of this meeting is to share NEXUS research findings and outcomes.
Attendees will include all individuals interested in learning about the latest in solar energy-water-environment science and education in Nevada, including NSF EPSCoR project team members and leaders; NSHE VPRs, faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, and administrators; Nevada stakeholders; and members of Nevada’s State EPSCoR Advisory Board. All NEXUS project faculty, technicians, and graduate students are expected to attend.
Travel Information
For travel funding information contact the Co-PI at your institution. Please plan to attend the full 1 day of sessions (2 days for graduate students), which include complimentary breakfast and lunch.
April 5th Full day career path and CV preparation graduate student workshop
April 6th All NEXUS Participants full day meeting with poster session. Meeting adjourns at 4:30 pm.
April 5, 2018 | |
Graduate Students Joe Crowley Student Union, Rita Laden Senate Chambers Room |
07:30 am – 08:00 am | Graduate Student Workshop Breakfast |
08:00 am – 03:00 pm | Career Paths and Curriculum Vitae Preparation Graduate Workshop – Facilitator: UNR Graduate College; Organizer: M. Casella (NSHE) |
April 6, 2018 (all events are plenary)
Joe Crowley Student Union, Milt Glick Ballroom |
08:30 am – 09:00 am | Poster Setup |
09:00 am – 09:30 am | Breakfast |
09:15 am – 09:30 am | Welcome/Introductory Remarks |
Five Years in the Making – Our Major Results |
09:30 am – 09:50 am | Creating a Diverse Pipeline of STEM-trained Students and Educators (Ewing-Taylor, UNR) |
09:50 am – 10:10 am | Technology Advances to Reduce Water use in Solar Facilities (Boehm, UNLV) |
10:10 am – 10:30 am | Environmental Impacts of Solar Plants (Devitt, UNLV) |
10:30 am – 10:45 am | Break |
10:45 am – 11:05 am | Sustainable Water and Advanced Wastewater to Support Water Needs of Solar Facilities (Batista, UNLV) |
11:05 am – 11:25 am | Reliability, Economic Modeling and Sunlight Forecasting for Solar Energy Supply (Wilcox, DRI) |
11:25 am – 11:45 am | Advances in Cyberinfrastructure for NEXUS Research (Dascalu, UNR) |
11:45 am – 12:30 pm | 1) Lunch
2) SmartStart Presentation |
The Best and Brightest – Our Students Present |
12:30 pm – 01:30 pm | Graduate Student Poster Session |
01:30 pm – 01:45 pm | Transition Break |
Towards Sustainability |
01:45 pm – 02:45 pm | Stakeholder Panel (Angela Dykema, Director of Nevada Governor’s Office of Energy; Pat Egan, NV Energy; Marilyn Teague, Sempra; Moderator: Jennifer L. Taylor, Esq.) |
02:45 pm – 03:45 pm | From Research to Intellectual Property Panel (Dr. Ellen Purpus, Assistant Vice President, Enterprise and Innovation, UNR and Dr. Zachary Miles, Associate Vice President for Economic Development, UNLV; Mr. Brian Speicher, Business Development Leader, Applied Innovation Center, DRI; Moderator: TBD) |
03:45 pm – 04:15 pm | Team Reflections (Abella, UNLV; Uz, UNR; Bandala, DRI; Strachan, UNR; Piedra, US Army Research Laboratory (formerly DRI); S. Das, UNLV) |
04:15 pm – 04:30 pm | Final Thoughts (Dana, DRI and Jeanne Small, NSF EPSCoR Program Director) |
04:30 pm | Adjourn |
Graduate Student Poster Presentation
All graduate students participating in research funded by the National Science Foundation and the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR) Solar Energy, Water & the Environment Nexus in Nevada project are expected to attend the annual meeting and provide a research poster presentation. A poster session will be held on Friday, April 6th, so that students may share their research with other project members.
Abstracts and Headshot Photo Due: Friday, March 16, 2018 to mcasella@nshe.nevada.edu
Poster Format and Abstract Guidelines
All posters should be 36” X 48” and should include the information below. Students should plan to setup their posters on April 6th at 8:30 am and leave up throughout the day with removal at 4:30 pm. Wall space and materials will be provided in order for students to display their posters.
Title: Include a banner frame clearly stating the title of the poster, your name, your mentor(s) name, institution, and department. Be sure to include the NSF logo and the logo of your institution.
Overview: Clearly articulate what you did, how you did it, why you did it, and what it contributes to your field and the larger field of human knowledge.
Introduction: Specify the main argument of your study, provide an overview of what you did, the evidence that supports that argument, and point out the significance and value of the research. Be succinct in this one-frame element.
Method: Illustrate how you conducted your project.
Results (If applicable): Indicate what your research has revealed.
Conclusion: Include an explanation of the ways the results satisfy the research objective. Illustrate how your findings impact scholars in your field and members of the broader intellectual community.
Full Support: “This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIA-1301726.”
Partial Support: “This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IIA-1301726.”
Friday, April 6, 2018
Poster Setup: 8:30am
Annual Meeting: 9:00am-12:30pm
Poster Presentation: 12:30pm-1:30pm
Annual Meeting: 1:45pm-4:30pm
Poster Break Down: 4:30pm
Milt Glick Ballroom
University of Nevada, Reno
Project incomplete?
If you have any preliminary results, use them as examples of the kind of results you hope to obtain. Discuss the significance of these results.
If you don’t have any preliminary results, you can focus on projected results: what do you think you might find when your results are complete?
Whether you have complete, partial, or only projected results, keep in mind that your explanation of those results—their significance—is more important than the raw results themselves.
Lodging Reservations
Deadline: Extended to March 9, 2018
Room rate $85 per night plus resort fee and taxes. A credit card is required when making the reservation, but no charges will be assessed unless the room is cancelled less than 48 hours before reservation date. A hold of $50 will be placed on credit card upon check-in for any incidentals. We recommend you use a personal card for this, so you do not have to process via workday.
Hotel Amenities
Wireless Internet in rooms, fitness center, pool, valet parking, airport shuttle, 2 bottles of water daily, movie theater, bowling, multiple restaurants
Complimentary Airport Shuttle
Departure from Grand Sierra Resort and Casino
The shuttle departs the resort every 15 minutes, from 4:15am to 12:00am.
Departure from Reno Tahoe international Airport
The shuttle departs the airport every 15 minutes, from 4:30am to 12:15am. Pick up is from the exit located at the far end of baggage claim area.
Shuttle Schedule
Shuttle information from Grand Sierra to University of Nevada, Reno, Joe Crowley Student Union
Travel Times
Grand Sierra Resort to UNR – 10 min. (4 miles)
Reno Airport to UNR – 15 min. (6 miles)
Thursday, April 5, 2018
7:15 a.m. – Grand Sierra Resort to UNR
3:00 p.m. – UNR to Grand Sierra Resort
Friday, April 6, 2018
8:15 a.m. – Grand Sierra Resort to UNR
8:20 a.m. – Reno Airport to UNR ** Once passengers come down the escalator, straight ahead past the slot machines there is a large bronze Ski Statue. The chauffeur will be waiting at the Ski Statue with a NEXUS sign for passengers from Southwest flight 106, arriving at 8:20 a.m. **
4:30 p.m. – UNR to Reno Airport

Career Paths and Curriculum Vitae Graduate Student Workshop
Thursday, April 5, 2018
7:30 am – 3:00 pm
Joe Crowley Student Union – Rita Laden Senate Chambers Room
University of Nevada, Reno
*Bring a copy of your current CV/Resume
April 5, 2018 | |
Graduate Students Joe Crowley Student Union, Rita Laden Senate Chambers Room |
07:15 am
07:30 am
Shuttle from Grand Sierra Resort to UNR – 10 min. (4 miles)
Shuttle leaves promptly at 7:15 am Arrive at Joe Crowley Student Union |
07:30 am – 08:00 am | Breakfast and Introductions |
08:00 am – 08:45 am | Networking and Career Search Tools (Veronica, Graduate Student Services) |
08:45 am – 09:15 am | Using Social Media and LinkedIn for your job search |
09:15 am – 09:45 am | Break |
09:45 am – 10:45 am | C.V./Resume Writing Workshop (Mary T, Career Studio) |
10:45 am – 11:15 am | C.V./Resume Writing editing activity |
11:15 am – 12:15 pm | Lunch |
12:15 pm – 01:30 pm | Start Smart Workshop (Robbyn and Mary, AAUW) |
01:30 pm – 01:45 pm | Break |
01:45 pm – 02:30 pm | Start Smart continued |
02:30 pm – 03:00 pm | Final Discussion and Wrap-Up |
03:00 pm
Depart Joe Crowley Student Union
Shuttle from UNR to Grand Sierra Resort |
Visitor parking is available on the top level of the West Stadium Parking Complex. Daily permit dispensers are located on the top level near the elevators. These machines take cash, debit and credit cards. Daily permits cost $5.
Parking at the Brian Whalen Parking Complex is limited to four hours. We recommend you use the West Stadium Complex instead.
Contact Us
Dr. Gayle Dana
NSF EPSCoR Project Director/Principal Investigator
Michele Casella
Diversity Plan Lead
Education, Outreach & Diversity Administrator
Althea Sheets
Communications Specialist
Marcie Jackson
NSF Research Administrator
Mayara Cueto-Diaz
NSF EPSCoR Program Coordinator