2017-2018 UROP student Jeremy Vergara, Nevada State College, in the chemistry lab.
–Photo by Dr. Amber Howerton, Mentor
Nevada State College
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Ho Young Ahn, Improved Flexible Thin Film Thermoelectric Generator with Optimized Design, Mentor: Jaeyun Moon
Anayeli Flores-Garibay, Measurement of Dust Particle Charge for Water-free Cleaning of Solar Panels, Mentor: Biswajit Das
Harry Larson, Development of Doped Stable Halide Perovskite Materials for Photo-catalytic CO2 Reduction, Mentor: Shubhra Bansal
Samrawit Misiker, Saving the bees, one gene at a time: the effects of gene silencing on Paenibacillus larvae endospores, Mentor: Ernesto Abel-Santos
Arielle Palanca, Bioremediation of Contaminated Ground water to Remove Nitrate, Chlorate, and Perchlorate, Mentor: Jacimaria Batista
Richard Panduro-Allanson, Water Rock Interactions on Mars: Production of H2 and other Valuable Resources, Mentor: Elisabeth Hausrath
David Rouhani, Using Spray Aeration Techniques to Maximize Trihalomethane Removal, Mentor: Erica Marti
Kristen Tagaytayan, Quantum Cutting Materials for High Performance and Improved Reliability Thin-Film and c-SiPV Modules, Mentor: Shubhra Bansal
University of Nevada, Reno
Duncan Boren, Testing the Role of Cyclic Nucleotides in Regulating Ion Channels Essential to Plant Fertility and Heat Stress Tolerance, Mentor: Jeffrey Harper
Randeep Chana, Determining Efficacy of essential oils as environmentally safe insecticides, Mentor: Monika Gulia-Nuss
Isaac Chiu, Atomistic Machine Learning for Enhanced Solar-termoelectric Power Generation, Mentor: Yan Wang
Ryan Coulter, Design Development of an Underwater Soft Robot Gripper, Mentor: Jun Zhang
Connor Filbin, Mechano-Activated Shape Reconfigurable Polymetric Materials, Mentor: Ying Yang
Benjamin Ingle, Assessment of the variation in tree ring mercury concentrations between co-located tree species, Mentor: Mae Gustin
Aidan Johnson, Towards the Selection of Materials for Next Generation Concentrated Solar Power Plants, Mentor: Dev Chidambaram
Brianna Jones, Conversion of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide to Useful Chemical Fuels by Utilizing Electrical Energy, Mentor: Christopher Barile
Sage Kruleski, Are Newts Telling the Truth? Aposematic Signaling and its Honesty in Toxic Pacific Newts, Mentor: Chris Feldman
Bryan Lee, Nitrogen and Zinc Co-Doped Carbon Dots as Nanozymes, Mentor: Xiaoshan Zhu
Valeria Nava, Enhancement of Photosynthesis by Modified Carbon Nanotubes, Mentor: Yu Yang
Guglielmo Panelli, Utilization of a Network of atomic clocks to search for dark matter, Mentor: Andrei Derevianko
Dillon Stetler, Computational Study of the role of charge-balancing ions on methane-to-methanol conversion by copper-exchanged zeolites, Mentor: Samuel Odoh
Jacquelynn Tran, Food Availability influencing songbird fitness in urbanized landscapes, Mentor: Jenny Ouyang
Sydnie Walters, Regulation of Circular RNA Biogenesis by Pasilla n D. Melanogaster, Mentor: Pedro Miura
Hunter Wyett, Variation in milkweed chemistry and nutrients: determining monarch butterfly responses to parasite virulence, Mentor: Elizabeth Pringle