Profile Image, Erik Bandala


Desert Research Institute
(702) 862-5395

Erick R. Bandala, Assistant Research Professor for Advanced Water Treatment Technologies at the Desert Research Institute in Las Vegas, NV. Dr. Bandala holds PhD degree in Engineering, a Master degree in Organic Chemistry and a B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering. He has been faculty member of the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Universidad de Las Americas Puebla (2007- 2013) and the Department of Chemical, Food and Environmental Engineering (2013 to 2015) and titular researcher (1993-2007) at the Mexican Institute of Water Technology (belonging to the Ministry of Environment Mexico) in Morelos, Mexico. Dr. Bandala has taught graduate and undergraduate courses covering various fundament and applications of environmental sciences and engineering with particular emphasis in water treatment processes for disinfection and decontamination, soil treatment and its application for site restoration. Dr. Bandala has been the recipient of several prestigious awards, Visiting Professor at the Department of Technology and Environmental Design at Appalachian State University (2014), the UDLAP Outstanding Teaching Award 2013, the Puebla State 2012 Science and Technology Award, Professional Hydrologist (Water Quality) by the American Institute of Hydrology, the Rice International Visiting Fellow on Energy, the Environment and Sustainability 2008-2009, National Researcher (Level II) on the National Council of Science and Technology-Mexico (2004-present), visiting Professor at the School of Civil and Agricultural Engineering. Universidad de Concepción, Chile 2004 and 2008 and Invited Researcher at the Plataforma Solar de Almería, Spain (2000). He has research interests in several different mechanistic aspects of the use and application of solar driven advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) for environmental restoration. His main research interests are i) AOPs application for the treatment of contaminated surface and underground water ii) Water disinfection and decontamination by solar driven AOPs iii) Surface water toxins oxidation using AOPs iv) Soil and site restoration v) Estimation of surface water quality. As result of his research activities, Dr. Bandala is author or co-author of over 100 international publication including 66 peer-reviewed papers in international journals with high impact index (average impact factor 2.7, >1200 citations, h-index 20); 5 books, 23 book chapters and 60 works published in proceedings of international conferences.