Maya Zawlodski, Nevada State College
–Photo by Kurt Regner
Nevada State College
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Morgan Arias, Variation in leaf vein architecture across elevation within the hyper-variable woody genus Metrosideros on O’ ahu, Mentor: Elizabeth Stacy
Si Chen, Synthesis and Characterization of Room Temperature Liquid-Crystalline and Light Emitting Properties of Banana-Shaped Azomethine Compound, Mentors: Pradip Bhowmik and Haesook Han
Jonathan Covington, Probing the role of “Planoflexus” in plant matter degradation in geothermal springs, Mentor: Brian Hedlund
Dylan Durkee, Investigating semiconductor-to-metallic transition and superconductivity in Manganese Disulfide, Mentor: Ashkan Salamat
Sandy Haneefzai, Gene Involved in Rice Drought Tolerance, Mentor: Jeffrey Shen
Karlena Tyburski, Investigation of Perchlorate and Co-contaminant Reduction Using Zero Valent Iron, Mentor: Jacimaria Batista
University of Nevada, Reno
Crissey Cameron, Rational Design of Enterococcus faecalis GBAP Analogs for Further Enhancement of Quorum Sensing Inhibition and Activation , and Protease Stability, Mentor: Yftah Tal-Gan
Harold Murga, Understanding the role of bHLH transcription factors in the regulation of suberin biosynthesis and deposition in Arabidopsis thaliana, Mentor: Dylan Kosma
Alexandrea Kilgore-Gomez, Predictive factors of poor working memory performance in mild TBI and the role of working memory encoding, Mentor: Marian Berryhill