Impact Awards for Publications
Deadline: Â Applications Accepted at Anytime
What are Impact Awards?
Impact awards provide funding for individuals and/or teams of researchers to gather and develop high impact publications based on research conducted as part of the Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada project. An important aspect of the project is measureable outcomes that highlight the scientific and societal value. High impact journals are those considered to be highly regarded in the field of a given research topic with a high journal ranking.1 Submissions to journals such as Science and Nature, etc. are especially valued as they are places where a broad audience is exposed to the project results.
1 See
Who do Impact Awards Support?
Impact funds are designated for projects that are clearly related to either compilation of data that will be used in a publication, or gathering of participants that will be involved in writing the publication.
Who Should Apply
- Any individual or team (faculty) involved in the current project from UNLV, DRI, or UNR may submit proposals.
- One faculty member must be assigned as the team leader.
See Solicitation for Full Details
*Download pdf to see attached excel budget form and cover sheet.
For More Information
Marcie Jackson, Nevada EPSCoR, 702-522-7079
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR), Award #IIA-1301726.