Collaboration Working Groups 2016-2017
For Proposal Development
Deadline: Applications Accepted at Anytime
Please Note: This Call for Applications specifically addresses requests for Collaboration Working Groups for NSF EPSCoR NEXUS participants.
Collaboration Working Groups
A primary goal of the Nevada NEXUS project is to advance knowledge and discovery in topics on cyberinfrastructure and the nexus between solar energy, water and the environment. In order to meet that goal, it is essential to demonstrate to our funding agency, the National Science Foundation (NSF), that NEXUS participants are submitting follow-on proposals to sustain and build on the NEXUS research and knowledge. To promote development and submission of proposals directly related to the NEXUS project results, funds are being made available to support Collaborative Working Groups via the Nexus Sustainability Plan.
Collaboration Working Groups (CWGs) provide a venue for forming teams of NEXUS faculty and students to prepare proposals and is modeled after those hosted by the highly successful NSF-supported National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). A strategic final outcome of the CWGs is the submission of proposals that target NSF and other agency programs.
What CWG Funds Will Support
CWG funds are designated for teams of NEXUS participants to submit proposals to funding agencies that are clearly related to the research, cyberinfrastructure, education, diversity, and outreach topics of the current EPSCoR RII Track-1 NEXUS project as described in the original proposal. Projects not directly related to building upon the work and knowledge of the NEXUS project will NOT be supported.
CWGs of teams of individuals working for 3 – 5 full days have been shown to be the most productive. Participation from two or more NSHE campuses is encouraged. Participation by graduate students and/or post docs is also encouraged.
Who Should Apply
- Any individual (faculty and/or postdocs) working on the NEXUS project from an NSHE institution may submit a CWG proposal.
- CWGs are not intended to fund the collection of new data or field research.
Application Deadlines
Applications can be submitted at any time. Proposers will be given a response approximately one to two weeks after submission.
See Solicitation for Full Details
*Download pdf to see attached excel budget form and cover sheet.
For More Information
Marcie Jackson, Nevada EPSCoR, 702-522-7079
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR), Award #IIA-1301726.