NEXUS Student Research Publication & Travel Support
The Nevada System of Higher Education’s Sponsored Programs Office and EPSCoR (NSHE SSPO & EPSCoR) will support student research publication fees and travel expenses for undergraduate and graduate students funded by the Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada project (NSF Award #IIA-1301726). The intent of these awards is to provide support for expenses related to publishing and/or presenting Nexus research. Costs associated with course-related travel are not allowed.
The Nexus Student Research Publication & Travel Support application should be submitted no later than one (1) month prior to the scheduled event/travel. Students requesting support for multiple activities/events must submit individual applications for each, up to a maximum amount of $1,500 may be awarded during the funding period of April 1, 2017 – April 30, 2018. These requests are reviewed on a case by case basis and funding is not guaranteed.
Students who receive an award through the Nexus Research Publication & Travel Support program must make their purchases/travel through their departments. Students are responsible for working with their campus department on purchases and travel arrangements (registration, publication fees, flight, lodging, GSA rates, as applicable, etc.). Once expenses are reconciled through campus policy and procedure, funds will be sub-awarded through the campus Nexus PI’s.
- Students must be a current graduate student or a current or past undergraduate (including recipients of the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program) funded by the Solar Energy-Water-Environment Nexus in Nevada project;
- Students must be in good academic standing (GPA of 3.0 or above). Students with a lesser GPA may apply but must submit a recommendation letter from their mentors supporting their request for funding;
- Students must complete the online application and submit all supporting material to; and
- Students may apply for multiple events/activities but cannot exceed a total of $1,500 in support during the funding period of April 1, 2017 – April 30, 2018.
To apply, students are required to submit the following to NSHE SSPO & EPSCoR:
- Completed online application form
- Estimated costs form
- Signed certification form
- Additional information may be requested by the review committee
Students who receive awards are required to submit the following one (1) week after the event to NSHE SSPO & EPSCOR:
- Summary of student experience to include 1-2 photos (More information will be included in the award letters)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (NSF EPSCoR), Award #IIA-1301726.