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NEXUS Student Research Publication & Travel Support

NEXUS Student Research Publication & Travel Support

July 6, 2016 Featured

Undergraduate Student Publication Opportunity – NSURJ

Logo - NSURJ, depicts a silhouette of a human head with gears turning within


Undergraduate Research Peer-Reviewed Journal Opportunity
Submission Deadline:  October 21, 2016
On behalf of the Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal (NSURJ), I would like to share with you an amazing opportunity to advance your research experience to the next level. NSURJ is a student-funded, professional, peer-reviewed journal for undergraduate research performed by students in Nevada. As recipients of NASA summer awards or any NSHE undergraduate research award, you all show dedication to your work, and NSURJ looks to provide an avenue for that work to be shared.
NSURJ will be publishing its 3rd volume December 1st, with October 21st being the deadline for articles to be considered. The sooner a publication is received, however, the more time exists for it to be edited and reviewed and is therefore more likely to be published.
As you work on your summer projects, I encourage all of you to think about assembling them into an article for publication. Having a publication as an undergraduate can greatly benefit your future careers and allows you to share your hard work with other undergraduates in the state. The journal is open to all original, thesis-driven, professional articles; so, if you are at all interested, I implore you to consider.
Please feel free to contact me directly with questions or visit nsurj.com for more information.
Logo, Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal
-Nicholas Winner
Senior Editor, Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal

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